sharpsnout seabream (diplodus puntazzo)
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Common name sharpsnout seabream
Scientific name Diplodus puntazzo
Class Osteichthyes
Order Perciformes
Family Sparidae
Distribution The Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean in various locations.
Habitat sandy and/or rocky substrates and amidst meadows of Posidonia oceanica, from the surface to depths of over 50 metres.
Dimensions Can grow to a length of 60 cm
Characteristicts Silvery-grey with 6-7 dark vertical bands at intervals with other thinner and lighter ones. A pointed nose and a dark mark, of various dimensions, at the base of the tail fin and another at the base of the pectoral fins.

The body is relatively high and particularly compressed. The mouth is slightly protractile with large slightly slanted canine-like front teeth. Sharpsnout seabream are grey with brownish nuances becoming greenish on the belly. They have a broad black band from the nape to the axil of the pectoral fin and a dark ring around the base of the tail fin.

Hermaphrodite, without a regular succession of sexual phases. A gregarious species when juvenile, becoming solitary in adulthood. Sharpsnout seabream feed on fish, crustaceans, worms and algae.