Sea star (peltaster placenta)
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Common name Sea star
Scientific name Peltaster placenta
Class Asteroidea
Order Fanerozoni
Family Goniasteridae
Distribution The Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Gascony Gulf to Senegal.
Habitat detrital or muddy substrates and also in the vicinity of meadows of Posidonia oceanica, from depths of 10 - 15 metres up to 1000 m.
Dimensions Can grow to a diameter of 17 cm.
Characteristicts Rigid five pointed body; united rays; flat surface.

The sea star is easily recognizable due to its pentagonal shape and united rays that can only be distinguished from the underside. The body is rigid and robust. The surface of the body is flat and slightly raised along the margins, characterized by large marginal plates. The abactinal plates are not only present at the abactinal sulcus but may also be found at intervals between the granules that cover the plates. Colours vary between yellow, brown and red and the oral side is always somewhat lighter.

There is still very little biological information available regarding this asteroideo. As far as feeding is concerned, the species has been observed in aquariums and in the sea and appears to be a suspension feeder.