Alghe Bianche (White Algae)   (9/ 12)
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Location W-SW coast at 20 minutes by sea from the port
Seabed Rocky
Difficulty Beginner
Depth 15 metres / 50 feet
Current Absent
Visibility Very good
Temeperature Summer: 24-26 °C (78.8 °F), winter min 14 °C (57.2 °F)

This is an easy dive in shallow waters. The dive leads along the inside of a rock to 2 small caves. One is littered with numerous pieces of broken amphorae that have over time sunken into the floor. It is unlikely that these pieces are from a shipwreck and is therefore assumed that they were thrown into the sea hundreds of years ago from the cliffs above or that part of the cliff itself, that perhaps served as a mercantile loading bay, crumbled away centuries ago leaving these artefacts behind.

The other cave is sandy and home to tens of black cylinder anemones. Both caves have excellent back lighting.

The dive proceeds along the wall that becomes dome-shaped towards it end and is covered with various species of sponges, astroides and false coral.